Fringer Family
Monday, May 24, 2010
This is why I don't do New Years Resolutions!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Brenden has come to make us the Fringer Family of 4!
We were wrong to be so excited. My contractions never started even with the IV meds they gave me to kickstart things. So after a full day of waiting on Monday, the doctor decided to take me off of the meds to try to give me a good night sleep and then try again in the morning. I was very thankful for that because I was hungry! So I got a small late night dinner, a sleeping pill (also thankful for that) and then a lite breakfast in the morning before getting the ball rolling. After a morning of meds my body finally decided to take over and Brenden was born at 1:20 in the afternoon! It was a long process but a fairly pain-free one. Here is a pic of how I spent a portion of my first day in the hospital.
Sierra had a great time having 3 nights of sleepovers with friends. She was in great hands and we knew she'd be having the time of her life. A few hours after Brenden joined us she came to spend a little while with us in the room. She was very excited to meet him and it was so cute to watch her with him.
And here he is as we prepared to head home after being in the hospital for over 3 days!
All kinds of new things!
Next was the fun we had with getting Sierra ready for her baby brother. It was very cute to hear her take on what would happen. She often said "when baby brother comes out, he's gonna drink hims milk, and sleep in hims crib, and play with hims toys!" Then right at the end she started telling us that Baby Brother was in her tummy which was just too cute. Here she is proudly displaying her baby tummy.
Next I'm so happy to report that Sierra has gone pee-pee on the potty before bedtime the past two nights! I'm very excited about that because for several months she hasn't had much of an interest in sitting on the potty. When I've asked she's very politely said, "no thank you". So last night her Mommom asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said yes. Then tonight she asked to go sit all on her own! Yeah, let's hope it continues!
And finally, for some cute pictures of Brenden, please see the next post.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy 1/2 Birthday Sierra
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sierra's favorites February edition
1. All the letters of the alphabet!! This school year Sierra started attending the 2 year old class at Nashua Child Learning Center at our church on Mondays and Wednesdays. For a while I struggled with the idea of sending my only child to school/day care when I am a stay at home mom, but Rob and I had some very good reasons for deciding to give it a shot. I am so glad we did! She loves going and has given us so many surprises over what she is learning. Before Christmas she shocked us by correctly naming the magnet letters that she has always enjoyed playing with. So I started asking her what letter is this? over and over and she knew them! Her very favorite thing to do now is pick out letters for us which is why I bought this cute little alphabet cookie cutter set. Here is a video of her first go at making cookies...
2.4.10 alphabet cookies from Vanessa Fringer on Vimeo.
2. The Little Einsteins. I have to admit that I like them a lot too :) For those of you without toddlers these are cartoons on the Disney Channel and they teach classical music and art in adventure settings. I got 3 DVDs for her to watch on our car ride to PA last month and she ONLY wanted to watch those 3 even though we had several other options with us. By the end of our vacation she had the opening song and much of the dialogue from several episodes memorized. I need to get a video of her singing that because it is super cute.
3. Balloons! I have no idea why since we never have balloons but she just LOVES balloons. Luckily we got one from our friend Jill after Chase's birthday party and she was in heaven! She just holds it by the string, nothing too exciting from my standpoint but it was the greatest gift to her.
4. Singing and Dancing
5. Being a princess. This is a new found favorite that we discovered while visiting friends in PA. We have no dress up clothes for her right now so when she got to share her friends clothes you could see in her face how absolutely beautiful she felt.
6. Chocolate pudding. Ok, anything chocolate, and yes she did get that from me. I do limit her chocolate intake but it is just so cute when she looks at me and asks to have "chloclate pudding".
Saturday, February 6, 2010
New Start for 2010
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Two Month Recap
Christmas: We spent Christmas in Pennsylvania with my family and had a very nice visit. Immediately after Christmas day several of us discovered how bad we were with taking pictures this year and we have no idea why. Rob did a great job of videoing everyone opening presents but there were not many snap shots taken. Sierra was given a baby doll and stroller which she fell in love with and wasn't interested in opening any other presents (not even the soccer ball that I tried to prove was much more fun than a baby doll). It was a great day but long for us as we drove over night from NH and arrived around 7am. A few days after Christmas we had to say bye-bye to Rob since he needed to be back in NH for work and Sierra and I got to stay in PA through New Years Day. We spent several days with Andy, Kathy, Austin and Brayden. Sierra is still working on 'playing nice' with her cousin Austin. He was great and wanted to play with her while she preferred to scream whenever he was near. I did manage to get a nice picture of the cousins taking a yogurt break together.
In further Sierra news, she's definitely growing! I could tell by the fact that her one pair of pants can no longer cover her bum each time she bends over. It was pretty funny watching her walk around with the waist of her pants sitting below her bum.