Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brenden has come to make us the Fringer Family of 4!

This birth experience with Brenden was so different than how the events took place when Sierra was born. With her, my contractions started 9 days early, earlier than what I was ready for since I didn't yet know what to expect with the pain of contractions. With Brenden my water broke in the early hours of Monday the 22nd. Since I had expected contractions to start immediately afterward and I felt nothing, again I didn't really know what was happening. A few hours later I called my doctor just to let her know that I had no idea what was going on so she asked if I could come in to the office right away. Within a few minutes of seeing her, she sent me right over to the hospital to check in telling me that I should be having my baby sometime that day! We were very excited and she said that it was so nice having good news like that first thing on a Monday morning.

We were wrong to be so excited. My contractions never started even with the IV meds they gave me to kickstart things. So after a full day of waiting on Monday, the doctor decided to take me off of the meds to try to give me a good night sleep and then try again in the morning. I was very thankful for that because I was hungry! So I got a small late night dinner, a sleeping pill (also thankful for that) and then a lite breakfast in the morning before getting the ball rolling. After a morning of meds my body finally decided to take over and Brenden was born at 1:20 in the afternoon! It was a long process but a fairly pain-free one. Here is a pic of how I spent a portion of my first day in the hospital.

Sierra had a great time having 3 nights of sleepovers with friends. She was in great hands and we knew she'd be having the time of her life. A few hours after Brenden joined us she came to spend a little while with us in the room. She was very excited to meet him and it was so cute to watch her with him.

And here he is as we prepared to head home after being in the hospital for over 3 days!

Yes, I was happy to leave too :)


Jeff and Serena said...

What GREAT pictures!!! The one of you is priceless! If only the entire labor experience was like that, just sit back and read a magazine :)
SO happy for you guys. We are continuing to pray for a smooth transition!

Mike and Beth said...

Wow, V, you're on the ball! This two-children thing obviously doesn't faze you! :) Little Brenden is beyond adorable.....can't wait to be able to have a play-date with our boys!