Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring Come Quickly

I've been ready for Spring for many weeks now but just to remind me again that we live in New England, it snowed about 4 inches yesterday. That was just a little disappointing. But it was a good week up until that point. We had a very nice Easter with our church family and spent the afternoon with friends playing our new favorite game The Settlers of Catan.
My new job on Thursdays is going well. I enjoy getting out and using that part of my brain again and I love that Rob gets to spend a day alone with Sierra. It's cute to see how she watches her daddy when he's sitting near her or walking through the room. For the last several weeks she's been content sitting on the floor playing with her toys but now I'm noticing her preference for me to hold her or play with her. If I set her down on the floor now she'll protest and reach for me. She used to sit in her seat in the kitchen and play while we cook or clean up but now she just cries. We're constantly learning how to handle the new stages and hopefully this will pass quickly. Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sushi anyone?

Rob and I have finally tried our hand in making sushi at home the other day and I wanted to show all of you. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to try some new ingredients next time. Due to the slim pickings at the fish counter in the grocery store we went with shrimp for our first attempt, so these pictures are the official 'Fringer Shrimp Tempura Rolls' including cucumber, carrot and avocado. And just so I'm not taking credit when it isn't due, Rob actually did all the work for the sushi and I was in charge of making the egg drop soup. It was so good!

In Sierra news we just got back from her well baby dr visit and I forget his exact words desrcibing her but fantastic would do :) She is now 18 1/2 pounds and 27 inches. God has truly blessed us with a strong and healthy baby who is so easy going and happy.