We were wrong to be so excited. My contractions never started even with the IV meds they gave me to kickstart things. So after a full day of waiting on Monday, the doctor decided to take me off of the meds to try to give me a good night sleep and then try again in the morning. I was very thankful for that because I was hungry! So I got a small late night dinner, a sleeping pill (also thankful for that) and then a lite breakfast in the morning before getting the ball rolling. After a morning of meds my body finally decided to take over and Brenden was born at 1:20 in the afternoon! It was a long process but a fairly pain-free one. Here is a pic of how I spent a portion of my first day in the hospital.
Sierra had a great time having 3 nights of sleepovers with friends. She was in great hands and we knew she'd be having the time of her life. A few hours after Brenden joined us she came to spend a little while with us in the room. She was very excited to meet him and it was so cute to watch her with him.
And here he is as we prepared to head home after being in the hospital for over 3 days!