Friday, September 5, 2008


August was a busy month for us and I should have been writing blog posts as we went along but as you know if you've been faithfully clicking on our link that has not happened. I apologize to our friends and family for not filling you in and for now giving you a very abbreviated post of the past month but I will at least attach a picture with my brief descriptions. Here we go...

It started out with my 7th and possibly last appearance as a bridesmaid. My good friend and former roommate Kristy married Andrew Walker on 8/3 and it was a great day. God cleared away the thunder storm just long enough for us to hold the outdoor ceremony and then as soon as the guests returned to the building for the reception the clouds let loose and it rained again. The timing was all His.

Next we took our first family vacation as the three of us to a place in upstate NY called Camp of the Woods. We went with a few families from our church and had a great time. We also got to celebrate Sierra's first birthday there. We have great video her enjoying her slice of birthday cake that I hope to upload to our website soon. The camp is a fantastic place for a family vacation and we hope to return someday when Sierra and any future children can participate in the many activities offered. Unfortunately that week was the last of what seemed like a month of rainy, dreary weather in the Northeast so we didn't get in as many beach activities (lounging in the sun for me) we hoped for but we still had a great time there with our friends.

Following our vacation we had a great visit with my family at our first Baillie Family Reunion in Mass. (That is my mom's side of the family for anyone who doesn't know, and where Sierra's middle name comes from.) My family drove up from PA and stayed a few days with us in NH. We entertained ourselves at our house by cooking meals together, eating more birthday cake for both Sierra and Austin (2), watching the end of the Olympics, holding some rather competitive contests at Mario Kart and bowling on Andy's Wii, and trying to teach Sierra how to share her toys with Austin. That last one is going to need some more work. It was so nice to have them here!

That wraps up August. Now it is the 5th of September and I have officially started my new 'at home' job. Trying to figure out how much work I can get done during Sierra's naps is challenging right now but we'll get the hang of it soon.
Thanks for the patience and I'll try to get some more posts soon.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Yay! A post! Thanks for sharing about this past month. And happy birthday to Sierra! Can you believe it...already?? Josiah turns 2 next weekend and I'm completely baffled at where the time has gone. :)