The small change for me is that starting next week I'll be working one day a week at a new job. I'll be getting back into bookkeeping and helping out someone who Rob knows. I think I'll enjoy this since it is only one day and I'll get to use the skills that I'm familiar with as opposed to these mom skills I'll be learning every day for the rest of my life. That also leads me to Rob's small change of being the stay at home parent for that day each week. It works out great that I will work on Rob's day off so he will have this great opportunity for daddy day with Sierra. He'll be great but just to test his abilities everyone call him on Thursday :)
Oh yeah, the other small change from February is that we are now a minivan family, yikes! For everyone who knows me you may be shocked but just to clarify, no I did not give up my jeep to Rob, he is the one driving the minivan. He's still trying to sell me on the merits of the extra space and conveniences but I have a feeling I'll be fighting it for a long time.
Here are the new pictures you've been waiting for:
The first taste of peas - the screaming started two bites after this shot